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Our Focus

Our Focus is on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As continued work aligned with the Richmond School District's Strategic Priority 2 on Equity and Inclusion, we acknowledge our responsibility to build a community of learners where students, staff, and families feel welcomed, represented, and have a strong sense of belonging. Staff and students are committed to continue to be curious, to question, and to have conversations about our values and whether these values are represented in our actions.

Using a Spirals of Inquiry approach, our focus has been shaped by the following guiding questions: How might focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion in school wide initiatives and in instruction (assessment) and planning impact student's positive, personal identity? How might learning and scanning student voice inform teaching practice and school events/planning?

What We Want Know:

  • What is going on for our learners?
  • How do we know?
  • Why does it matter?

What We Want to Do:

  • Create belonging, understanding, acceptance and community.
  • Empower students to take action for positive change.

What We Want to Understand (from the First Peoples Principles of Learning):

  • Learning requires exploration of one's identity.
  • Learning is embedded in memory, history and story.

Our school motto, "Care and Respect" defines our focus to maintain a safe, positive and welcoming learning environment for all learners. Our community is compassionate and respectful to everyone's learning. We maintain this shared spirit as evidenced by how our senior students set a positive example for our junior students through coaching, mentorship and leadership. 

Cultural diversity is embraced and honoured through various extra-curricular opportunities and through daily student to student interactions.