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Commencement at UBC Chan Centre - Round Four LOTTERY (UPDATE)

Names have been drawn and students/families have been emailed (12pm on Wednesday, June 5).


Hi everyone,

Thank you for waiting while we further analyzed the ticket requests, Round One, Two, and Three sales, available tickets at the Chan Centre.

We are thankful Ms. Campbell is so organized and dedicated to making this process work. Commencement at UBC Chan Centre on Saturday, June 15th at 1pm.

NOTE: UBC counts every human as a ticket to satisfy fire codes, i.e. no infant/child on a lap to save a ticket sale.

Round 4 is going to be a lottery for a very small number of remaining tickets (25 tickets).


  • Come to the main office on Monday (June 3rd) or Tuesday (June 4th) to indicate you are interested in being part of the lottery to potentially receive one more ticket.
  • On Wednesday (June 5th) morning, the lottery will take place and the 25 ‘winners’ will be emailed, who will then have until the end of Friday (June 7th) to pay $10 to Ms. Campbell (outside of class time).

This entire process has been done with the goal of equity.

EMAIL to students and parents/guardians will continue to be the method of communication for this whole process AND all things related to our grad events. So, please check your email regularly.

Thank you.

Updated: Friday, June 14, 2024