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Tea and Talk

A part of our continued commitment to Truth and Reconciliation at SLSS, our English First Peoples and BC First Peoples teachers collaborated to create a professional learning opportunity for staff. Three teachers invited colleagues to learn more about Indigeneity and further our school community’s part towards Reconciliation. They created land-based learning by hosting a plant walk and “tea and talk” emphasizing the local plants and their Indigenous uses to further our learning of the land we are situated. During the walk, they described how to identify certain plants, explained their traditional uses, and told stories related to the plants and the land. In preparation for this professional learning opportunity, they worked with the Tech Ed department to created wooden QR codes that linked to plant/land-based facts and information to create a meaningful learning experience about how learning is focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place (First Peoples Principles of Learning).

Updated: Tuesday, July 2, 2024