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SELF: Our commitment to equity

Due to the growing amount of absenteeism at SLSS and the increasingly complex social-emotional challenges and needs, SLSS started a new support stream to remove barriers and help students who were not finding success in the traditional school structure. This support stream or pathway to education is called SELF: Social Emotional Learning Focused.


Currently we have two blocks available during the day that are dedicated SELF blocks. This time is designed for students to have the space and time to work on their mental health with a trusted adult in their home school, without distractions or additional academic or social pressures. The purpose of implementing an alternative stream of support within the school is to focus on keeping SLSS students connected to SLSS while supporting and assisting our students to recognize, understand, and create strategies to overcome challenges that create barriers to their growth, development, and overall learning.

Updated: Thursday, February 8, 2024